The Windsor Locks Youth Services Bureau, Windsor Locks High School, Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition, Windsor Locks Fire Department, Windsor Locks Police Department, Windsor Locks Lions Ambulance, Windsor Locks Funeral Home, and Hartford Hospital are conducting an event to give high school students a sobering look at what can happen if they drink and drive. The event, “SHATTERED DREAMS”, is based on the Chico, California “Every Fifteen Minutes” prevention program, so named to show the number of alcohol-related fatalities in the United States during the mid nineties. This year’s program is being supported by generous donations from Traveler’s Insurance through the Charles S. Carillo Agency; Bearingstar Insurance, a member of the Arbella Insurance Group; the Windsor Locks Police Officers Union, and a Local Prevention Council grant through the Capital Area Substance Abuse Council.
Students from the Windsor Locks High School will “role play” the participants in a mock driving-while-intoxicated accident on Thursday, April 26th, 2012. The event will take place at Windsor Locks High School beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the entire school community will have the opportunity to view the results of the mock accident. Students will get a realistic view of what it takes to extract a person from a totaled car, the type of life-saving procedures emergency medical personnel use, and the consequences of failing a field sobriety test.
This is a very intense program that will challenge students to think about drinking, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions, the shattered dreams of those who drive after drinking, the innocent victims, and their friends and families. The program coincides with “prom season,” a time of year when teenagers need to be reminded of the importance of responsible decision-making, the dangers of underage drinking and the risks of impaired driving (or riding with a drinking driver). All of the participating students and organizations are hopeful that students will take the exercise seriously and plan their own prom season activities with safety, as well as, fun in mind.
The program also coincides with the Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition’s Underage Drinking and Prescription Drug Prevention Campaign. The message aimed at parents and community members is that they are the key to keeping kids alcohol and drug free. The campaign promotes three simple points: 1.) Lock It Up!-If you have alcohol and/or prescription drugs in your home, please lock it up and limit youth access; 2.) Talk It Up! - Have conversations often with youth about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking and prescription drug abuse; and 3.) Set the Rules! - Make sure youth know your expectations and potential consequences for underage drinking and/or prescription drug abuse.
As part of its prevention campaign, the Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition will sponsor the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) “Power of Parents” Presentation. This powerful new initiative gives parents the tools and skills to facilitate open dialog between parents and children about underage drinking and safe teen driving. All parents will receive a handbook and resources. This presentation will be on Wednesday, April 25th at 6 p.m. at the Windsor Locks High School Auditorium.
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