Friday, August 3, 2012

New Life A/G Car Show, Fireworks, and Family Carnival Weekend

NLAG's Cruise in Car Show
Friday, August 10th @ 5pm
Southwest Veteran's Park on Southwest Ave in WL
Beautiful Cars, Live Music, Great Food & Raffles
FIREWORKS at 9:15pm
No Registration Fee.
First 100 cars receive free goodie bag & dash plaque.
All proceeds go to The Wounded Warrior Regiment in honor
of Lance Cpl. Philip Bushong.
NLAG's 6th FREE Family Carnival
Saturday, August 11th  11:00-4:00
Southwest Veteran's Park on Southwest Ave in WL
FREE Food, Facepainting, Live Animals, Train Ride, Race Track, Waterslide
Kids Theater, Games Galore & so much more!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Help Bring the Train Station to Main Street


The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the relocation of the Train Platform to the center of Town is available on the link below. The link takes you directly to the comment page and if your really bored, there is a link to the entire Environmental Assessment for your reading pleasure. As most of you already know, I believe that with the Platform move to the center of Town the business sector on Main Street will undergo a transformation from a desolate area to one of vitality. To prove my point, in the last month, the Town has received two inquiries, about the Montgomery Building status, from developers who renovate mill buidings, Wehave had a new restaraunt (CJ's Ranch) open in the center of town(because he read about the relocation efforts), We have heard from a business owner seeking to buy the commercial front of the Waterside business condo units with possible tenants in hand and A developer is looking into the property on the peninsula(Chuck's) for restoration purposes with multi storefronts. I don't recall this much activity in the last seven years, yet in the last month there seems to be a surge in inquiries.
It doesn't matter where your from, your comments will be entered into the formal record.
So without further comment from me, if you can click on the link below and write some positive comments in regards to the relocation of the platform(to the center of town) it will  further the effort. DOT will make the final decision based on the number of comments supporting the location the residents want.
Oh, if you could pass the link to others who share the same view it would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Steve Wawruck
First Selectman

Submit comments on the EA/EIE:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Message to Windsor Locks Parents...

Dear Parents and Community Members,
The staff members of Windsor Locks Public Schools have recently become aware of an alarming new trend of potentially dangerous behavior among our youth. We are reaching out to parents in the hopes that we can come together as a community to address this situation before any of our children are seriously or permanently injured.
Three specific new trends (promoted on the internet through popular web sites) have created alarm and concern among our staff. The first is the “cinnamon challenge” in which people try to swallow a spoonful of ground cinnamon without drinking water. The results are both predictable and dangerous. The cinnamon becomes stuck in the throat triggering the gag reflex and causing most people to gasp and inhale cinnamon directly into their lungs. Though no deaths have been reported to date as a result of the cinnamon challenge, the health risks are significant and real. According to the Vice Chairman of Pediatrics at Winthrop University Hospital (Long Island, New York), the effects of inhaling cinnamon include dangerous spikes in blood sugar levels, burns to the throat and lung tissue, and long-term lung damage including scarring. For children with asthma the effects are more dangerous because they have the potential to trigger an asthma attack or pneumonia.
The second dangerous trend is called “The Salt and Ice Challenge”. Students put salt on their skin then press ice into it until it melts or becomes too painful to stand. According to national news sources, the challenge can result in first degree burns, second degree burns, and even severe frost bite depending on how long the student plays the game.  
The third is synthetic marijuana, better known as K-2 or Spice. Experts agree that use of this substance (banned in many states already) poses serious health risks. Please take the time to check out the following website for more information.
In direct response to these alarming trends, Windsor Locks Public Schools are taking every possible precaution, locking up cinnamon, limiting access to ice and salt and sending educational information to parents on K-2 or Spice.  Any students found with the telltale burn marks from the ice challenge or suspected of having participated in the cinnamon challenge or any of a number of other dangerous trends will be sent to the school nurse to be educated about the risks of these activities.
Though I’m sure you are as concerned as we are, it’s important to remember that “limit testing” behaviors such as the ones described above are in some ways, an expected part of childhood as children test the boundaries and limits set by trusted authority figures like teachers and parents. Reacting negatively or with punishments can accidently have the wrong effect for some teens, causing them to withdraw from adults and increase risk taking behaviors. The most effective approach is to become aware of what your children are watching on the internet. Go to Watch the most popular videos and trending topics. Remember that children are doing this as a way of proving themselves to their peers. Stay calm and talk to your children about it. You want to be the kind of parent that a teen can bring their troubles to.
There is no doubt that if we work together as a community we can make a positive difference in the lives of our children. If, after reading this letter, you have questions or concerns, please call your school nurse or guidance department. We are happy to assist in any way possible
WLPS Staff

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The Windsor Locks Youth Services Bureau, Windsor Locks High School, Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition, Windsor Locks Fire Department, Windsor Locks Police Department, Windsor Locks Lions Ambulance, Windsor Locks Funeral Home, and Hartford Hospital are conducting an event to give high school students a sobering look at what can happen if they drink and drive.  The event, “SHATTERED DREAMS”, is based on the Chico, California “Every Fifteen Minutes” prevention program, so named to show the number of alcohol-related fatalities in the United States during the mid nineties.  This year’s program is being supported by generous donations from Traveler’s Insurance through the Charles S. Carillo Agency; Bearingstar Insurance, a member of the Arbella Insurance Group; the Windsor Locks Police Officers Union, and a Local Prevention Council grant through the Capital Area Substance Abuse Council.

Students from the Windsor Locks High School will “role play” the participants in a mock driving-while-intoxicated accident on Thursday, April 26th, 2012.  The event will take place at Windsor Locks High School beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the entire school community will have the opportunity to view the results of the mock accident.  Students will get a realistic view of what it takes to extract a person from a totaled car, the type of life-saving procedures emergency medical personnel use, and the consequences of failing a field sobriety test. 

This is a very intense program that will challenge students to think about drinking, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions, the shattered dreams of those who drive after drinking, the innocent victims, and their friends and families.  The program coincides with “prom season,” a time of year when teenagers need to be reminded of the importance of responsible decision-making, the dangers of underage drinking and the risks of impaired driving (or riding with a drinking driver).  All of the participating students and organizations are hopeful that students will take the exercise seriously and plan their own prom season activities with safety, as well as, fun in mind. 

The program also coincides with the Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition’s Underage Drinking and Prescription Drug Prevention Campaign.  The message aimed at parents and community members is that they are the key to keeping kids alcohol and drug free. The campaign promotes three simple points: 1.) Lock It Up!-If you have alcohol and/or prescription drugs in your home, please lock it up and limit youth access; 2.) Talk It Up! - Have conversations often with youth about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking and prescription drug abuse; and 3.) Set the Rules! - Make sure youth know your expectations and potential consequences for underage drinking and/or prescription drug abuse.

As part of its prevention campaign, the Windsor Locks Wellness Coalition will sponsor the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) “Power of Parents” Presentation. This powerful new initiative gives parents the tools and skills to facilitate open dialog between parents and children about underage drinking and safe teen driving.  All parents will receive a handbook and resources.  This presentation will be on Wednesday, April 25th at 6 p.m. at the Windsor Locks High School Auditorium. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bowl For Debbie, Huge Success!!!

Over $5,000 raised!  

"The Gifford family would like to thank the Windsor Locks community, the many businesses, friends, and family for their outstanding support and participation at the “Bowl for Debbie” benefit held on April 14th, 2012.
Special consideration goes to Donna Murphy and Shannon Walker for their hard work and dedication organizing this successful event.
Debbie is doing remarkably well and is on her way to a speedy recovery.  
Thanks again and best regards," 
The family of Debbie Gifford

Saturday, April 21, 2012


 The American Legion Post 36 is continuing to celebrate the 93rd anniversary of the American Legion by offering, as a fund raiser, a collectible by The Cat's Meow of the Memorial Hall in Windsor Locks. Dimensions 5x7x3/4

 The cost will be $15.00 each and will be used to help support some of the many community programs that we sponsor.

 Please call Pierrette at (860) 254-5465 for further information.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Windsor Locks Supports Debbie Gifford

Please support Debbie Gifford and her family in this time of need. For those of you who can't go, you can make a donation to 360 Federal Credit Union.
191 Ella Grasso Turnpike
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
Make checks payable to: Shannon Walker put account number 9423 (in memo/ Debbie Gifford

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Miss Jane Carr Titanic Victim: history and commemorative events 4/14-15/12

The Titanic sank off Newfoundland on her maiden voyage
to the United States after striking an iceberg

Miss Jane "Janie" Carr was born Mon. Feb. 11, 1867 and died on April 15, 1912 at age 45 years.  Her last residence was Aclare, Sligo Ireland where she was born.  She was a 3rd Class Passenger on HMS Titanic, boarding at Queenstown, Ireland on Thursday, April 11, 1912.  Her ticket number was 368364, for which she paid L7 15 shillings.  Her destination was Windsor Locks, CT by way of New York City.  She died in the Titanic disaster and her body if recovered was never identified.  She was the daughter of Thomas Carr and Bridget Goldrick, she has 3 brothers and 3 sisters.  Janie originally emigrated to America in 1890, serving as a domestic and cook in Springfield, Mass. and later in Hartford, Conn. and then at the homes of Frank Ashley and Dr. Sidney R. Burnap.  Her last place of employment was as a cook at the Chicopee Falls Hotel.  Janie returned for an extended visit to Ireland to care for nieces and nephews in 1909.  She was returning to Windsor Locks to settle banking affairs as the Windsor Locks Savings Bank was failing due to embezzlement by Burnap's bro-in-law Alfred Woods Converse, bank Treasurer, Town Clerk, Post Master, GAR Master which amounted to some $185,000; he suicided when confronted in January, 1912.  Janie was informed by Mrs. Michael O'Leary and encouraged to return to close her account.  Janie planned to return to Ireland and spend the rest of her life surrounded by brothers and sister and their families.  She boarded Titanic at Queenstown, Ireland, the ship's voyage to America already under way having left its birthplace at Southampton, England the day prior and stopping in Cherbourg, France.  The ship would strike an iceberg at 11:40 pm on April 14, 1912 and sink to the bottom of the sea by 2:30 am April 15, 1912-- of its more than 2200 passengers- (1316 travelers/900 crew) only 710 would survive.
Miss Jane "Janie" Carr
On Saturday, April 14, 2012, the centennial anniversary of the Titanic disaster, flowers will be laid at places in Windsor Locks Janie visited by her grandniece Peg Carr Shaughnessy: the historic Windsor Locks train station, the OLeary home on Chestnut Street, St. Mary's Church, the Shaughnessy homestead and the Ashley homestead on South Center Street and the Burnap mansion on Maple Avenue.  The walking tour will begin at 10 am.  The Burnap mansion, now the home of Dennis and Martha Jarvis will be open for tours from 1-5 pm with admittance of $10 pp, proceeds to benefit the historic train station restoration.  First Selectman Wawruck will be asked to issue a Proclamation commemorating the day.

On Sunday, April 15, 2012, a Mass for the repose of Janie Carr and other Titanic victims will be offered in St. Mary's Church at 7 am, where Janie attended Mass while she lived in Windsor Locks.  The church bell is expected to be rung at 3 pm. in their memory.

(for further information contact Martha Jarvis 860 623-4234;  Mickey Danyluk  860 623-4143)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Windsor Locks Canal Trail Scheduled To Open April 1st

Windsor Locks First Selectman Steven N. Wawruck announced today that the Canal Trail should open on April 1st.  "The path will be inspected on April 1st by DEP, if the Canal Trail is passible and use by the public will not disturb the eagles, the path will open on April 1st", said Wawruck

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gathering Ground Restaurant

A new restaurant opened on Spring Street this week called the "Gathering Ground".  Give them a try, and support our new local business!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The 2012-13 Board of Education budget will be presented to the Board of Finance on Wednesday, March 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the Windsor Locks Town Hall. All community members are encouraged to attend. Please come and be informed.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Encore Presentation "Windsor Locks Canal History"

Encore presentation!  The Windsor Locks Public Library History Club will welcome local Attorney Christopher Kervick on Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00 PM for a repeat of last week's popular program on the history of the Windsor Locks Canal.  This  presentation will focus on recent information brought to light during Kervick's continued research regarding the Canal's Irish construction workers.  The program is free, but seating is limited and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  The library is located at 28 Main Street.  Call 860-627-1495 to register and visit for information on all upcoming events at Windsor Locks Public Library.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Revisiting the history of the WL Canal

The Windsor Locks Library History Group presents:

Christopher Kervick Revisiting the History of the 
Windsor Locks Canal.

This new updated presentation will focus on recent information brought to light during Kervick's continued research regarding the Canal's Irish construction workers.

Wednesday February 29 at 7pm  Registration 860-627-1495

Monday, February 20, 2012

Parent & Community Meeting on School Budget

Please plan on attending the Parent & Community Meeting regarding the Proposed 2012-2013 School Budget and New Initiatives.
When: Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Time: 6:00—7:30 p.m.
Place: HS Library Media Center

Friday, February 3, 2012

Windsor Locks Residents Move To Preserve Historic Train Station

The Hartford Courant
February 5, 2012


Built in 1875, the train station has played a vital role in local and state history. A hub of activity in the once vibrant downtown, the station was where Ella T. Grasso caught the train to her inauguration, becoming the Connecticut's first female governor.
But things have not gone so well for the little brick building in recent years. Its façade is crumbling and restoration efforts came to a halt last winter when the Windsor Locks Preservation Association disbanded.
However, things may finally be moving forward again, with the creation of a restoration subcommission. The commission met for the first time last week and discussed ways to save the station, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Together with town leaders, the group brainstormed ways to raise restoration funds and build support for the station's rebirth.
Perhaps the most complicated step will be negotiating the transfer of the building, currently owned by Amtrak, to the town. But Patrick McMahon, the town's economic development consultant, said that the town is having weekly conversations with Amtrak officials regarding a deal that would convey ownership and that he is optimistic about the situation.
Once transferred, work could begin almost immediately on the building, as the town already has a $225,000 state Small Town Economic Assistance Program grant for design and research work, according to McMahon (the grant was awarded to the Preservation Association several years ago). To cover the construction costs, the town is planning to apply for a $200,000 matching-funds grant through the Connecticut Preservation Office.
Overall, the committee will likely need to raise $500,000 to $600,000 through grants or donations to repair the station, he said.
The group is considering a number of fundraising methods, including selling items decorated with an image of the station, a tip-a-cop fundraiser, applying for grants and putting a fundraising goal sign on Main Street.
They also discussed events and tools to raise the station's visibility, like creating a website with photos and videos, promoting a ride the train to work day (although travelers would need board the train at the South Main Street platform) and doing a Main Street clean-up day.
It has not yet been decided what the restored station might house, but residents and the town have said they would like to see it remain a public space, such as a Windsor Locks visitors' center, an Ella Grasso museum or a educational center for the canal state park. Although officials are working to bring the train stop back downtown, the building is not considered to be suitable for a high-speed rail station.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Historic Train Station Restoration Planning Meeting Minutes

Historic Train Station Restoration
Planning Meeting
January 31, 2012
Windsor Locks Town Hall

1.      Background

a.     Discussions with Amtrak – Steve Wawruck and Patrick McMahon attended an Amtrak-sponsored conference in Burlington VT regarding historic train stations.  There has been weekly correspondence with Government Affairs staff at Amtrak since.  Town is seeking temporary access to the building to do appropriate studies with a goal toward acquiring the property.  Amtrak appears to be amenable to the Town acquiring the property.  Waiting on letter from Amtrak with some requirements.
b.     STEAP grant – Patrick submitted semi-annual report to DEEP outlining the recent progress with Amtrak.  Dave Stygar from DEEP contact WLPA regarding dissolution documents.  Town has $220,000 remaining which can be used for planning purposes (architectural design, structural design, survey, environmental), stabilization work and fencing.  Patrick hopes to draft an RFP in the coming weeks for design services.
c.     Relocation of Train Platform – The environmental review for the NH-Springfield line has been submitted to the Federal Rail Administration.  A public hearing on the relocation probably will not happen for another couple of months.  DOT Commissioner Redeker has commented twice at public meetings about Windsor Locks’ efforts to relocate the station back downtown.
d.     TOD Planning Grant – Town awarded a $250,000 Transit Oriented Development Grant to study the area around the historic station for mixed-use development – residential, office and retail.   Meeting occurred last week regarding the scope of the study with DOT staff.  Discussion of Bass Property and possibility of parking deck as part of project.
e.     Montgomery Mill Foreclosure – Developer declared bankruptcy and the Town is trying to protect its interest in the tax dollars due the community.  No timeframe available regarding when the bankruptcy will be resolved.

2.      Organization

a.     Steering Committee – Looking for people who are passionate about the historic train station and the revitalization of Main Street.
b.     Economic and Industrial Development Commission – the responsible commission for the STEAP and TOD grants.  Steering Committee will help inform the EIDC which in turn will make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.
c.     Meeting dates and times – Future meetings will take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m.  Due to Valentine’s Day, the next meeting will be Monday, February 13th at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 2nd Floor Break Room.  Meeting agendas and minutes will be posted at Town Hall.

3.      Capital Campaign

a.     Campaign Goal – Committee chose initial goal of $250,000 that would hopefully be matched by State or Federal grant sources for a total of $500,000 to work with.  State Historic Preservation Office has $200,000 matching grant program with application due in October.  Parties can send donation checks to Town Hall with Historic Train Station Restoration Project written in the memo section.  A separate account designated solely for use on the station restoration has been established.  We discussed the possibility of opening up a PayPal account to help secure donations or purchase of station novelty items.  Discussion on what logo to use for the project took place.
b.     Silent phase – Looking for the top 50 prospects of individuals, families, organizations or businesses who are likely to donate larger sums toward the effort.  These parties will be approached individually.
c.     Public Phase – After a silent phase has been completed, then a focus will shift to donations from the general public.
d.     Fundraising Events – Events can be time-consuming but also very productive.  Committee needs to look at what time of events will be most beneficial.  Kevin Brace reported a Tip-a-Cop evening is being planned for Ruby Tuesdays with the proceeds going to the station project.
e.     Items for sale (t-shirts, mugs, note cards, magnets, etc.), T&S Embroidery has the designs from the WLPA novelties that they sold.
f.      Apply for Certified Local Government Status – possible grant source
g.     Apply for Preserve America Status – possible grant source
h.     Other grants – asked attendees to do websearch for grants that might help with the project.  Apply to Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.
i.      Fundraising Sign – Carl Philbrick to look into get a sign(s) made that will show progress toward the fundraising goal.
j.      Buy a Brick – Kevin Brace to look into such a program

4.      Potential Uses

Attendees were asked to think of potential uses of the train station which could include warming area/restrooms for Train Platform, Home to WL Chamber/Visitor’s Center, Ella Grasso Museum, Gift shop, Rapids Exhibit Center/Fish and Wildlife

5.      Initial Steps

a.     Website development – Denise Brown helping to establish a new website.
b.     Install National Register Plaque on the building – available from the State Historic Preservation Office
c.     Volunteer database – Any people interested in the project can send their contact info to
d.     Photos and videos of the historic station/Main Street/Ella Grasso – Attendees asked to gather as much collateral material about the station as possible
e.     Jim Roche to get dimensions on boarded up windows and develop banners to go over them (WMG)
f.      Search e-bay and other sources for historical materials
g.     Search Flikr and other photo sources
h.     Web search of available rail-related resources
i.      Review Great American Stations website for resources
j.      Plan events to raise profile of the area (take the train into work day)
k.     Get people to the Windsor Locks Canal State Park Trail
l.      Main Street clean-up in the spring
m.   Get people connected to the New Haven –Springfield DOT newsletters and Twitter feed

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Superintendent examines schools’ mission and goals for new year

Article published in the Reminder from our School Superintendent, Wayne Sweeney. The improvements to our school system are in the works to give our children the education they deserve, but it takes the support of our community to help bring them to fruition.....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Board of Education Meeting

The next Board of Education Meeting will be held this Thursday, January 12 at 6:00 PM in the Windsor Locks High School Library Media Center. Below is a link to the agenda and the minutes from the last meeting.

Please attend this meeting if you can...The more community involvement we have, the better the opportunities for children! Thank you!